Monday, July 25, 2011

And we're off...

With the encouragement of my wife, Michelle, and friends, I find myself sitting here in front of my laptop creating this blog. 

Why you ask? Why do we need another blog of someone who wants to talk about themselves and every detail of their lives?

Well... I've actually been dragging my feet on doing this for the last year or so. The main reason I finally decided to get it going was to maybe help others out there. Sounds strange, huh? Let me explain.

Two and a half years ago, in January of 09' I found myself laid-off from my job as an Architect here in Metro Phoenix. I honestly did not really like this job, but it's what I went to college for, and the paychecks kept appearing every two weeks, so I kept at it the whole time feeling like I was a round peg being hammered into a square hole by the corporate types.

So now I was free, but it wasn't by choice, and that makes a big difference. Like many of the unemployed during this Great Recession, I went through all of the stages of grieving: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and then acceptance. But luckily I didn't identify myself and the image of myself with my job. It was all of the things I did outside of work that gave me my sense of self. But what about making money? 

Well, to make a long story short, I went back to guiding part-time, found myself back in school, became a certified EMT, and found myself working on an Ambulance for a year until I hurt myself at work and could no longer do the repetitive lifting of all day that was required for the job.

So now I'm free again, but without all the mental baggage of feeling unemployed! What do I want to do? Who do I want to become? Well, I've been away from Architecture for so long now that I cannot identify with working in the profession any longer. Not that there's any firms actually hiring. So, I'm moving on to being a Race Director/Outdoor Guide/Gardener and a much better person to my wife and friends. Stress is still there, but it's different. When the worst thing you think can happen, happens, and you make it through and find new meaning in the process, you realize what's really important in life and savor the moment.

So how will this help others? I've had numerous people tell my wife, Michelle and I how much they admire what I've done since being laid-off: going back to school, starting a new career, starting a new business putting on Adventure Races, and continuing to go on Adventures and race all over the Southwest. They sound inspired... by me? 

Well, I could not have done it without the support of my amazing wife and friends. So if this blog can help one other person out there overcome one of life's hardships, and get out of a rut, then it's all worth it.

So stay tuned and pass this blog on to someone who might want, or need the motivation to get out there themselves.

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